Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Heart Running

I'm uber thankful for running. In fact, I heart it.

It has done so much for me. When all else caves in, it's always there...a constant, lifting my spirits, helping to release stress, and help me feel like I've accomplished something worthwhile. So much has caved in recently, and frankly, I really don't know where I'd be if not for this crazy wonderful sport called running.

It has, and continues to transform me, mentally and physically. Like I've said before, it is my constant in a sea of change. When I run, I do more than just sweat physically. I get a mental cleansing as well. It's truly good for my soul.

Somedays its all I want to do! Yesterday I ran in the morning and I ran in the late afternoon. Part of that is because I want to get faster and leaner, but part of that is because I just want that incredible feeling that comes with a great run. The incredible sensation of putting on my skirt, tank, hot pink shoes, cranking up the iPod with my favorite new trance tunes, and hitting the pavement...sunshine on my face. It's the complete package. It's euphoric.

What else can I say? I just heart running...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Would Run to You!

I love this cute new ad by combines several of my most favorite things:
  • Running
  • Love
  • Pink Nike Free Run shoes (the only kind I run in!)
  • Music (mushy lovey music)   

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Race for Autism 5K

What a fun time this morning with the family!

This is the third year I have done the Race for Autism 5K at Balboa Park. Our friends have a team, and it's great fun to join with them each year for such a wonderful cause.

In 2009, I was just in the infancy stage of my fitness journey. It was my very first 5K, which I walked with my daughter. I was so scared and nervous. I look back on that and marvel and how much I have changed. It's a fantastic lesson: never limit yourself! You never know what you are capable of!

I ran this morning with my very lively 10 year old son. He is a sweetheart and very protective of me...especially with diabetes. He felt uber responsible for me, and kept asking about what he should do if I would go low while we were running. I kept reassuring him that I had glucose tabs, and that all would be well. I really like that he cares about his mommy! By the way...I was lows!

He is getting faster and taller, and at some points of the race as he swooshed past me, I could hardly believe that was my boy. He is turning into a young man before my eyes. I was so proud of him and how he pushed himself and tried his hardest. He said he can't wait to do our next one.

My husband ran with our nearly 14 year old daughter.  They finished before us, and thoroughly enjoyed the race together. All of us have HRM's (heart rate monitors), and it was really helpful. I've been using one for a while now, and the kids are getting used to theirs and seeing the importance of them.

It was a super fun morning, and I can't wait for my next race!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hello, Shiny Medal! I Did it!

I can now officially say I finished my very first Half-Marathon.

Thirteen point one freaking miles...done!

And you know, the extremely wonderful thing is that it wasn't as hard as I anticipated. Yes, ohmyword YES, it was a challenge. It was painful at times, it was tiring at times, the hills were insanely mean, BUT I overcame it all and completed it.

Here is my proof:

My beautiful shiny medal! Man, did I work hard for this.

My blood sugars were the hardest thing on marathon day. I woke up with a perfect number, had my normal breakfast, then, right before we were assembling in our wave group, I tested. Boom. Super high. I was fully pissed off and quickly bolused enough insulin to bring it down. Then, it was our turn to start, and I just ran.

I kept fully hydrated, and took water at each water stop. I tested again a few miles later, and my blood sugar had come down. I was feeling better.

It was clear to me that all my training fully prepared me to run the half marathon. I actually found running the 13.1 miles easier than my 12.5 training run. I think it may be because of all the Adrenaline. I absorbed all the energy from the other runners, and the charged atmosphere really fired me up. I love being around people, and this was all about that...on a grand scale! The name of my blog was absolutely apropos for marathon day! I was seriously running on insulin and adrenaline.

So, did I cry? I did start to tear up around mile 12 (maybe it was the Whitney Houston song that came on my iPod? I dunno...)...but, these tears were the kind that happen when you are overjoyed inside. And I was. I accomplished something very hard. I did something that took dedication, training, mental toughness, and physical endurance.

While running, I thought a lot about various many things! One quote in particular kept rolling over in my brain:

       "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you."

I kept thinking about that, and it helped propel me onward. This half-marathon was challenging me in ways I didn't imagine I'd be challenged, and it was changing me in a wonderful way. Conquering this has shown me that there are no limits.

When Mark told me we were on mile 13, I was ready to burst. Could it really be that my legs had just carried me 13.1 miles?

We made our way to the tunnel going into PETCO Park, then ran in and crossed the finish line.

What a proud moment.

I did it. I really did. And if I can do it, you can too.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tomorrow: 13.1

Tomorrow is the big day.

It's finally here, and I just wanna get to the start line and GO!

We picked up our bibs today, which was tremendously exciting...

It is still so odd to me that I am so excited about this event. I was thinking today about how much I have been transforming over the last 3 years. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I ever imagined I'd even think about running anywhere, I would've most assuredly laughed. I was never a girl who enjoyed PE in school! But now, here I sit, on the eve of my first half-marathon, and I couldn't be more giddy. I am now a runner. And I like it!

I have to admit, my major concern is not finishing last! Everyone assures me, "Oh, Adrienne, you're not gonna finish last!" But I still have my concerns! I just really want to finish and finish strong. I think I've prepared myself mentally for the arduous journey ahead of me tomorrow morning.  But, I'm sure there will be challenges that I never thought of, and I'm prepared for that too. In order to change, we must be challenged.

This is a first experience like none other. I've trained, and the training has been fun and exhilarating. Tough, for sure, but well worth it. I don't really wanna stop that. My husband has been my training partner, and a huge help. I jokingly refer to him as my running cabana boy. He carries some of my diabetic testing supplies and my margarita flavored shot bloks, makes sure I stay on pace, and puts up with my crazy singing (and crying!) during our runs. He can run faster than I can, but we'll be running it together, from start to finish tomorrow.

So, I've got my running clothes and shoes all set out, got my pouch packed with lipgloss, glucose tabs, meter, iPhone, and ID. My iPod is fully charged and loaded with some new music to keep me going, and finally, my nails are painted Sweet Tart Pink...

Wish me luck! And I'll see you after I cross the finish line!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I took my kids with me on my midweek training run a few days ago. It was a spectacular SoCal afternoon, they had no homework, and I had to get my run in. Conditions were perfect!

I usually don't have to goad them into going with me. My daughter is nearly 14, slim, with legs that go on forever...a natural runner. She is going to join her high school's cross country team this fall and is seriously stoked about it. She is not a complainer, and will just take off and go. She has done several 5K's with me already, and feels the runners high.

My son is 10 1/2, and enjoys getting out and being active. Running for him is harder. He is built like a tank and can tire easily. He is great with the watch...keeping me on track with my timing. He loves to tell me when to stop and start. He is the one who needs the encouragement that he CAN do it. We work on it together, and he too has joined me on many 5K's. He can do so much more than he thinks he can. A huge job of mine is to show him, encourage him, and help him fly. I love the sense of achievement he has when we finish a race.

I am thrilled when I see them both get excited about taking care of their bodies. They both tell me how good they feel after a run. I hope to inspire them to see the possibilities of all they can accomplish...nothing is off limits! The only limits are what they place of themselves. I think they have seen me transform myself over the past few years so that it is an inspiration to them. I started out as a walker...then came running. They see how I make it a priority and how I push myself. I let them know that its hard. I told them all about my long runs...the crying, the digging deep within myself to make it through. They know this doesn't come easy for me, yet I pursue it to master it. And, I do it simply because I can. They can too.

I want them to feel at their young ages a natural love for exercise. I never felt that until a few years ago. If its something they grow up with, I'm hopeful it will stay with them throughout their lives. That's a great gift to give my sweet children.

So, if you have kids, or anyone in your life whom you can inspire...DO IT! Let your life speak. Let your life encourage. Take your kids, or a friend with you the next time you go for a run.

Monday, February 13, 2012

12.5 Miles

Well, dang it. I had a really nice long post about how I ran 12.5 miles on Saturday...blah, blah, blah...but it somehow didn't save.

I guess that's the way it goes...but, the main point remains: I ran my longest distance yet. And, this 12.5 miler was WAY better than my 11 miler!

I whined much less, and just generally felt much more prepared for this one. I knew I was gonna be on that Southern California bayfront pavement for at least 3 hours. So, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other...mile after mile.

I did have a low blood sugar episode, which really slowed me up and was kind of hard to rebound from. But, I treated it, and kept going. I used up all my shot bloks and sport beans, and was left with 2 glucose tabs by the end. I learned that for runs this long, I need some actual food. I will most definitely bring a protein bar next time.

Mile 7 seems to be where I begin to get giddy. I just generally feel goofy, start to sing, um, a tad loud, and feel a bit crazy. I can't figure out the significance of this. Maybe it's my way of calming myself down for the next 5 arduous miles. Singing seems to be therapeutic for me!

I started to question my sanity again at Mile 11. I confess. I sat down and cried a bit...feeling super tired and wondering what the heck I was doing. I really just wanted to stop right then and there. But, I knew I couldn't. I was gonna have to muster up all the energy and strength I had to finish.

I really understand the great importance of these killer training runs. I need to know what the pain feels like. I need to know how I will feel after 12 miles, so that on marathon day, I can remind myself that I have already done this...and that I can indeed do it. The half-marathon is only .6 longer!

I never ever thought I would be doing anything like this. But, the only way to know how far you can go (with running or in life), is to go there. Push your limits! It's fully invigorating and empowering.

Getting tired is a given. Giving up or stopping is not...

"You don't stop when you're tired. You stop when you're done." unknown

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This pursuit that I have...the completion of my first half-marathon, involves many things.

Yes, its all about the actual training...running, strength-training, etc. But, training also involves eating properly. Blitz, my awesome trainer, always says, "You can't out-exercise a bad diet.'"

He has clients who get very frustrated because they are doing all the right things exercise wise, but are not losing weight. He always asks about their diet. What are you eating? How much are you eating?

To be honest, when I first started working out in earnest about 2 1/2 years ago, I wasn't focusing on my food choices. I was just thinking about how great I was doing with all my walking and working out. I soon realized that I was shooting myself in the foot for not combining clean eating with workouts and running.

We are all human and have the urge to reward ourselves for a job well done. For some, food is the reward. I ran across this quote recently on my current favorite thing, Pinterest, and it made me do some serious thinking:


How often do we run a ginormous amount of miles and then think, "Hey, I SO deserve this cookie!" ??

We don't deserve to feed ourselves junk. We deserve to feed our bodies good stuff. This also goes for our children...let's give them a reward other than food!

I'm not saying never to eat another cookie or have another mug full of ice-cream (everybody eats their ice cream in mugs, right?). What I am saying is that I have changed my thinking with regard to rewards.

I want to reward myself with getting leaner, more toned, and sleeker. Now that is a reward that is good for me.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sail Away From the Safe Harbor...

We were made to dream. We were made to discover. Playing it safe never leads to anywhere new or exciting. What is it that you really want to do? Lose the fear and follow your dream. Life is a crazy adventure. Live it.

Explore. Dream. Discover. Sail away and get lost in life. It will take you to a place you never knew!

You Got It!

It's all in there...

Monday, January 30, 2012


I wanted to say that the morning after running those gnarly 11 miles, I am feeling fabulous. No major aches or pains to report...just a bit tired in the legs, of course.

I got a splendid nights rest, and am ready to do some upper body work with my trainer, then hit the pavement tomorrow for my regular training run.

So, if this finds you in the throes of your own training, be encouraged! Pain comes, but then goes away. Discipline endures. Keep at it! I know I will.

Carpe Diem! Go on out and Sieze Your Day!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

11 Long Miles

So, today I ran 11 miles.

It wasn't pretty, in fact, it was really really really hard. I wanted to stop several times. I wanted to cry several times.  I was hot, bothered, tired, and fatigued.

My blood sugars were great, which was a definite plus. I stopped to test and was 152. Not bad. Around mile 5, I began chugging the absolutely delicious Margarita flavored Clif Shot Bloks. Now, that was quite possibly the best part of my run!

I was good for the next few miles...then the evil wicked mile 9 struck. I now know what it means to hit a wall. I was really depleted...totally spent, and wanted to just sit my body down and cry. But, then I remember reading somewhere that we don't stop when we're tired...we stop when we're done. And I wasn't done yet. So, on I went. Barely, but I went...

I gathered myself and just gutted out the next 2 miles. Mile 11 was the longest mile of my life. But, I did it.

I know how important training is now. When I am running my half, I will no doubt experience all of the emotions and physical sensations I experienced today. And I will know that I can run through them and be victorious.

So, I keep training. I keep pushing myself further and further to the edge of what I think is possible. Then I run past those limits and learn valuable lessons.

I am proud that I didn't stop because I was tired. I stopped when I ran 11 miles.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Well, That's Something To Think About...

I am a sucker for a good quote. I love finding just the right one that sums up my feelings or motivates me.

I came across this quote recently and had to share it...

Now, seriously, isn't that something to think about?

I am on a quest to become the best Me I can be. I want to use up all the gifts and abilities God has given me, so I don't have to wonder at the end of my life, 'what is it I could've become if I would've tried harder'?

The thing is, we all have bodies that we can improve...minds we can improve...souls we can improve. It is entirely up to us what we will do with what we have been given.

So, go out and seize your life. Make something positive happen with it. Use up every ounce of life God has given you. I often remember friends who don't have the use of their bodies anymore due to illness and disease. This alone is enough motivation for me to do what I can, all the while being thankful for the ability to do it. Running is a daily reminder of the able body I do have, despite type1 diabetes.

Make the most of yourself now. You are a masterpiece!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Forced Rest Sucks (kinda)

Well, guess who has a kidney infection?

Yeah, this runner girl.

I was really wondering why my blasted blood sugars had been so very high the past week. Good news is that I am on some strong meds to treat it, bad news is I am out for the count for a few days. Time to hydrate, hydrate, rest, and hydrate.

So, I am attempting to look at this temporary setback as a blessing in disguise. Time for me to really rest. Really.

This is just another sterling example of how life works. If I stress or obsess about how I am missing my training runs, it'll take me longer to recover. So, I'm going with it, spending an inordinate amount of time on Pinterest, reloading my iPod, listening to an insane amount of 80's music, reorganizing my desk, and other very important tasks like that... ahem.

Life happens. Mine and yours. Lets go with it and make the best of whatever comes our way.

Tomorrow is another day!

PS...find me on's a ton of fun ~

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Motivational Video - Never Give Up

9 Miles!

Today was a big day.

I did my farthest long run...9 freakin' fabulous miles!

And I didn't die. Or pass out. Or puke. Or anything.

I did get rather giddy around mile 7, and started belting out Chicago tunes...but, aside from that, it was uneventful. (singing calms me) :)

I started out with a higher than I'd like blood sugar, but quickly corrected, gulped a ton of water, and got on with it.

I felt ok for the first few miles, but I knew after correcting that high number, I'd get low eventually if I didn't watch it carefully. I tested my sugar a couple times, and my number was coming down and back to normal nicely. I did need some glucose tabs and clif shot bloks midway through.

I was tired, and my legs got really achy, but holy crap...after running 5 miles, I was over half way there! So, I ran on, cranked my iPod, and got it done.

I'm so proud of myself. I knew that at some point in my training I'd have to do some of these long runs, and today was my day.

Determination and tenacity...what a terrific combination!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

8 Weeks!

Exactly 8 weeks from today, I will be running in my first Half-Marathon.

Geez. That's only 8 weeks from now. When I signed up, it seemed like an eternity away...but not anymore.

I have had some setbacks in the past month. Moving and the flu to be exact. I felt like giving up once or twice as I kept missing my long runs, but I quickly snapped myself out of it and returned to my "glass is half full" mentality...which always serves me well. I laced up my cute running shoes and started anew. Nothing stops Adrenaline!

This training is such a metaphor for life. It never goes as planned. Stuff always happens. Unexpected and sometimes unwelcome stuff. We set our course, but then it gets interrupted. It is all about how we choose to handle what happens that determines our success. We gotta go with the flow and keep going. When we are fully determined, we are fully unstoppable.

"Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything." ~ Napoleon Hill

I can do it. I will do it.